This morning, the Indiana Department of Education released their “COVID-19 Health and Safety Re-entry Guidance". While they make many recommendations, my interpretation as the Superintendent of Bremen Public Schools leads me to believe that they provide a great deal of information, yet few mandates regarding appropriate steps to continue instruction this Fall. Basically, there is a repetitive use of the word “should” instead of “shall” thus leaving the decisions up to the local health departments and school corporations.
Please know that I have been meeting weekly with the Marshall County Health Department and my peer superintendents of Marshall County to coordinate our efforts and attempt to provide for the best possible outcomes as we plan to re-open our schools.
With the release of this document, I believe that this planning group will move into the actual stage of planning as opposed to open discussion over what we may be instructed to do. Please understand that, we are all committed to the health, safety, and education of our students. As we make firm re-opening decisions, we will be sharing this information to keep our constituents informed and updated on our progress.
Yours in education,
Dr. Jim White
Proud Superintendent
Bremen Public Schools