Senior Ad Information
All those baby photos, awesome senior photos, so many photos--maybe you have a favorite childhood picture
or memory that you want to include in your senior’s yearbook. Well, here’s your chance! You can purchase a
senior ad in the 2021 yearbook. Ads should include a photo or photos and a message from you to your senior.
Please be sure to include your names and your student’s name. This is specifically for a Yearbook Ad. We
also collect baby photos to be used during the Graduation Commencement video/slideshow. Please feel
free to label and send in those photos any time. We will scan them in for you and return the photos.
Choose an ad size--prices are as follows:
1/4 page - $35 1/2 page - $70 Full page - $130 Ads are in full color
Size of ad: Please note that one to two pictures usually fits in a quarter page ad with a small caption. A
quarter page is roughly 1/4 of an 8 ½ by 11 sheet of paper. Although there are no specific limits to the
number of words per ad, the staff will design the ad based on photos and a message sent from you. See
samples attached.
Sending your ad via mail or school delivery: Please send (or you can also bring this to the main office labeled
for Ashleigh Funkhouser) your form (page 2), pictures, message, and payment to:
Bremen High School
Attn. Ashleigh Funkhouser
511 W. Grant St.
Bremen, IN 46506
Sending your ad electronically: The easiest way to submit is for the old photo to be electronically scanned in
and then e-mailed. The yearbook is completed electronically, so electronic files are the easiest for us to use.
However, we would love to get as many ads as possible in the yearbook, so we will take whatever format you
give us. We appreciate your participation! If you plan to scan the photos, they need to be scanned in at
300dpi--if you don’t know how to do this; we will gladly do it and get the photos back to you. Simply taking a
photo of a photo with a smart phone WILL NOT WORK. It must be scanned in at a high resolution, which we
can do at the school.
The deadline to turn everything in is April 30th, 2021. Please make payments in cash or check written to
Bremen High School. All baby photos will be returned in an envelope for your student in a packet on the day
of graduation unless you send a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return. We cannot make copies of a
computer-printed paper copy of a photo. We make sure to return all photos to the student or parent.
Thank you,
Bremen High School Yearbook Staff
P.S.--We can copy all pictures except those taken by a professional photographer.
Please print and fill out OR e-mail everything listed below for the ad purchase.
Senior Ad Order Form
To process your senior ad, these are the steps we follow: Receive your request for an
ad/info with payment, we create the ad, send you a proof of the ad, and then you approve
or suggest changes for the ad. We will send you a proof of the ad via email. Please limit the
edits of the ad to no more than three requests per ad.
If sending electronically, please email the following information.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name(s): _____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Email: _______________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone: _______________________________________________________________
Size of Ad: Please check one:
________1/4 page - $35 _________ 1/2 page - $70 _________ full page - $130
Form of payment: Check ___________ or Cash __________
Message to Student:

Senior Ads
April 16, 2021