The Bremen Kiwanis and Key Club have their annual Kids Triathlon coming up in just 3 weeks on Saturday, June 10th! Volunteers are also needed to assist at the race site and out on the bike and run courses.
Registration link for Participants:
Triathlon website
If you would like to help out, please fill out the Google form:
Device collection for Seniors is Monday May 22nd! Make sure your student brings in their device, bag, and power adapter. P.S. Please have your student take out any papers, calculators, pencils/pens, or earbuds from their computer case! We will throw away anything left in their case that is not their device or power adapter. Grades 9-11 do not need to turn in their device unless they are leaving the district.
Device collection for 6th, 7th and 8th grade is tomorrow May 19th! Make sure your student brings in their device, bag, and power adapter. P.S. Please have your student take out any papers, calculators, pencils/pens, or earbuds from their computer case! We will throw away anything left in their case that is not their device or power adapter.
Here is the Link to SUMMER CAMPS
Device collection for 4th and 5th grade is tomorrow May 18th! Make sure your student brings in their device, bag, and power adapter. P.S. Please have your student take out any papers, calculators, pencils/pens, or earbuds from their computer case! We will throw away anything left in their case that is not their device or power adapter.
Device collection for 3rd is tomorrow May 17th! Make sure your student brings in their device, bag, and power adapter. P.S. Please have your student take out any papers, calculators, pencils/pens, or earbuds from their computer case! We will throw away anything left in their case that is not their device or power adapter.
The year end is fast approaching and we still have outstanding delinquent lunch accounts. These must be paid in full before the last day of school, to avoid any legal action . If you have any concerns please reach out to Amy Stouder 546-3554 or
We really appreciate your cooperation.
Bremen Elementary-Middle School end of the year award programs are quickly approaching. Please see the attached revised agenda for date, times, and awards that will be presented. We will NOT be sending emails out to parents of Bremen Honor Award winners this time. Contact your child's teacher if you want to know if they will be receiving an award.
Online Registration for Summer Boys Basketball Camp for next year's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade boys can be found at this link:
"Reminder: ENL Zumba Dance Party and Paletas (popsicles) is tomorrow from 6-7pm in the middle school gym. Can't wait to see you all!"
"Recordatorio: Fiesta de ENL de Zumba y Paletas (paletas heladas) es mañana de 6 a 7 p. m. en el gimnasio de la secundaria ¡Me emociona verlos a todos!"
There is nothing like winning a state title, and then being escorted into town by a bunch of fire trucks! Our town is so amazing! Thank you to Bremen Fire and Police for continuing this tradition and selflessly giving of their time. They have given BHS students a memory to last a lifetime. THANK YOU!! Once again, congratulations to all the Academic Teams at BHS!!
The Math Academic Team are State Champions (in Class 3 and OVERALL)! State team members are co-captains Caleb Cullers and Braden Unruh, Danilo O'Blenis , and Sarah Stine (not pictured). Additional math team members also include Jacob Douglass, Mauricio Gonzalez, Henry Varner, and Ines Manzanares. The Math Academic Team is coached by Kathy Cullers. Congratulations!!
The Interdisciplinary Team are State Runner-Ups for Class 3! Team members are co-captains Caleb Cullers and Braden Unruh, Carlos Torres, Atlas McManis, Julie Monesmith, Keegan Miller, and Sam Simons (not pictured). The Interdisciplinary team is coached by Ashley Boardman and Kathy Cullers. Congratulations!
The Social Studies Academic Team placed 6th in Class 3 in state! Team members are Carlos Torres (captain), Keegan Miller, and Matthew Houin. Additional team member and not pictured is AJ Ton. The Social Studies team is coached by Aaron Perch. Congratulations!
Bremen Public School Cafeteria is proud to announce we will be offering the Summer Food Service Program this summer.
Bremen Public School will sponsor the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) beginning May 30, 2023 - July 21, 2023. We will be closed July 3-7 and re-open July 10-21. Meals will be served Monday thru Friday from 11:00 – 12:30 in the High School Cafeteria. This site will promptly close at 12:30 pm each day and will not open until 11:00 am each day. Enter thru door # 9. Menu will be posted in the Parent Bulletin, School Facebook, and on the BPS website. Free meals will be available to all children 18 years of age and under and to persons over 18 years who are enrolled in a state-approved educational program for mentally or physically disabled. All food must be consumed on site. No food items may be taken with you when you leave. Adults can eat with their children for $4.60/meal. Adults are not allowed to eat from a student’s tray. Direct any questions to Amy Stouder or Colleen Wruble at 574-546-3554 ext; 2023.
We hope you can join us!
Thank you to the community for supporting the Lion King Contest and raising over $1500 for local organizations! Also, congratulations to Kasey Culp - The 2023 Lion King! DVD copies of the Lion King Contest can be purchased in the main office of the high school for $15.00.
Marshall County Junior Golf Tour: 7 events starting on Tuesday, June 13th. Information can be found by contacting Andrew Dreibelbis:
Easton Reed was awarded the prestigious Moose Krause Scholarship worth $10,000. Twenty-Four area outstanding Scholar-Football Athletes were recognized Wednesday night with Easton receiving the largest scholarship award.
Caleb Cullers was selected to be an Indiana Academic All-Star by the Indiana Association of School Principals! Only 90 students throughout all of Indiana were invited to this event of those 50 students received a certificate as regional winners. Additionally, 40 students received a plaque as an Indiana All-Star. Caleb is one of those top 40.
We are so very excited to announce that a whopping 3 Academic Teams have placed high enough to move onto the State competition at Purdue University on Saturday, May 6! To say we are excited and proud is an understatement!
To qualify teams must place in the top 6 in the state in class 3. Here are our results
English - 10th out of 67 teams Laura Andujar
Fine Arts - 33rd out of 66 teams Ashley Boardman
Interdisciplinary - 3rd out of 68 teams (State bound) Ashley Boardman and Kathy Cullers
Math - 2nd out of 65 teams (State bound) Kathy Cullers
Science - 35th out of 67 teams CJ Thornton
Social Studies - 6th out of 68 teams (State bound) Aaron Perch
Thank you,
Academic Team Coaches