Bremen High School: As of today we have had just over %50 of our students pay the optional computer insurance premium fee of $20. The deadline to opt into this optional insurance is September 8th. After that date you will be responsible for any damages that occur on the device in full. Please see Mrs. Atkins in the HS office with questions. or 574-546-3511 ext 3354
Congratulations to the new NJHS members at Bremen Middle School.
Bremen High School: SENIORS and SENIOR parents this a reminder that the informational senior night has been moved to September 6th at 6:00.
Yearbooks have arrived for the 2022-23 school year. If you pre-ordered a yearbook last year and are in 10th through 12th grades currently, you should have received it this morning, provided you were here. If you did not get your book due to absence, please see Mrs. Andujar in room 309 to pick it up and sign the list. If you believe you ordered, but did not receive, double check with Mrs. Andujar.
Graduates from 2023, your pre-ordered books are available for pick up in the main office with Mrs. Stillwell. You will need to sign a paper stating that you picked it up.
If you did not pre-order and would like to purchase one, we have about 20 extras available at $80.00 each book. You can come to the main office for this as well. We can accept cash or a check made out to Bremen High School. It will be first come, first serve, and if we run out, we cannot order anymore at this point.
Because of the limited extras (and the higher price), it might be a good idea to start thinking about pre-ordering for this year’s book! Currently, you can pre-order at Josten’s website (; click on “Order” button; Enter in Bremen High School, Indiana to land on our page). The price at this time is only $68.00, but that will go up to $73.00 in November, and then again to $78.00 in February. So, the sooner you pre-order, the more you save.
I know there is always a desire to have the yearbook once you see what it looks like, but the way it works is, YOU HAVE TO ORDER NOW, in order to guarantee you’ll have one. Please do not wait! Order NOW!!!!
Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Andujar at
Bremen High School: As of today we have had just over 175students pay the optional computer insurance premium fee of $20. The deadline to opt into this optional insurance is September 8th. After that date you will be responsible for any damages that occur on the device in full. Please see Mrs. Atkins in the HS office with questions. or 574-546-3511 ext 3354
This is a reminder that ALL parents, K-12, need to complete their child's registration in Harmony. You must also verify your address through the system. If you have had an address change then please continue to follow the steps to ensure you upload the proper documentation. If you have any questions please call our office.
Letter jacket fittings will be TODAY, August 23, during lunch in the auditorium lobby. A $100.00 deposit is required to place an order. Anyone who has lettered in a sport or band/choir is eligible to purchase a letter jacket. If you have any questions please contact the Athletic Dept.
Bremen High School: We were notified today that the following students were awarded the National Rural and Small Town Award. They achieved this academic award based on their GPA and their performance on the PSAT. They are as follows: Elnora Flores, Hudson Fox, Macenzie McManis, Noah Wildauer, Paisley Welborn, Sylvia Meyer and Yahaira Valderrama. Yahaira Valderrama was also awarded the National Hispanic Recognition Award. Congratulations to all!
Bremen High School:
Do you want to be in the know, with what's going on at the high school?
Check out our Athletic Calendar:
and Non-Athletic Calendar:
Parents, during dismissal, please refrain from driving around the barricades on South Street. Picking up students in this location adds an additional degree of danger for our students. Thank you for helping to keep our students safe!
Bremen High School: As of today we have had just over 150 students pay the optional computer insurance premium fee of $20. The deadline to opt into this optional insurance is September 8th. After that date you will be responsible for any damages that occur on the device in full. Please see Mrs. Atkins in the HS office with questions. or 574-546-3511 ext 3354.
NEW FROM ROSE-HULMAN: Homework Help-Line:
Free Homework Hotline and Video chat for students in grades six through 12 covering math and science is provided by Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Rose-Hulman has provided this service for more than a decade and asks that the link and homework hotline be shared with math and science departments, students, and parents. Call the Homework Hotline: 1-877-275-7673 or visit to get started.
Tomorrow is the Last Day to Order Spirit Wear
Bremen High School:
Picture day is TOMORROW (8/17/23) for the High School!
Visit picture ID EVTCWMKP6 to pre-order.
Reminder tomorrow is late arrival day for BPS students. Bell rings at 8:15 a.m. and classes begin at 8:25 a.m. Busses will run approximately 30 minutes later than a regular school day.
Attention grades 9-11 If your last name starts with Q-Z your locker number and combination have been updated in Harmony. Please be sure to check your new locker number and combination prior to tomorrow. Thank you.
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow, Aug 9th for the first day of school!
-Please report to your homeroom class by 8 AM
* Don't forget the Distinguished Young Women Competition is in the Bowen Auditorium Saturday Aug 12th at 7 PM the door open at 6:30*
Open House - Grades 6-8 will be held Tuesday, August 8th from 6:00-7:00p.m. Mrs. Fitch will be available in the elementary office to take computer insurance payments. Mrs. Stouder will be available in her office in the cafeteria to take lunch account payments. Printed student schedules will be available in the K-8 gym.
Just a reminder this will be the only opportunity to see your child’s classroom and meet the teacher. Parents are not permitted past the elementary office during the school day including the first day of school. During arrival and dismissal times we will have numerous staff members to help students find their classroom.
NJHS members needing volunteer service hours can help distribute student schedules at tonight's MS Open House. Meet Mr. Flesvig in the MS gym at 5:30 pm. You'll receive 1 hour of volunteer service.
Middle School Open House is tonight (8/8/23) from 6-7 pm. Student schedules can be picked up in the middle school gym starting at 5:45 pm. Try out your locker and meet your teachers!