Correction from the Parent Bulletin - The 3rd -5th grade Christmas Concert will be on Monday, December 12th not the 13th.
All FFA Members are reminded that our citrus delivery from Florida will be here at noon on Tuesday December 6th. Please make arrangements to pick everything up after school. If you have any questions, please direct them to Mr. Berger or Mrs. Schafer in the Agriculture department.
Tonight's 6th grade boys basketball game at LaVille has been postponed. The game has been tentatively rescheduled for December 8th. The team will practice right after school tonight until 4:30 pm in the middle school gym.
Bremen WRESTLING Kids' Camp 2022: On December 8, 12, and 13, students in K-6 are invited to join the HS wrestling team in a camp from 5:30 - 6:45 pm. Students who attend the camp are also invited to come to the HS home meet versus South Bend Washington. The cost of the camp is $30 and convers entrance to the home meet and a camp t-shirt. Cash or checks made payable to the B Wresting Club will be accepted. Camp forms can be picked up in the elementary or middle school offices. Contact Coach Dylan Shumaker for questions or more details -
Lunch Accounts
Just A Friendly Reminder that you can pay your child’s lunch accounts online at through Harmony by logging in to your child’s account. You will see on the left -hand of the screen to “Pay Online”, select Lunch Account you will notice the current balance of your child’s account appears next to this. Enter your payment information. You can also send cash or check with your child any day of the week Mon-Fri. If you need any further information, please contact Amy Stouder @ (574)546-3554 ext:2023 or astouder
The High School Variety show that was scheduled for this Saturday has been cancelled. Sorry for the confusion.
Happy Thanksgiving! May the blessings of this day fill your hearts and home.
Roasted Turkey, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Dressing, Mixed Fruit, Whole Wheat Roll w/Butter , Ice Cream Cup and Milk.
8th grade held races for the top robotic car to celebrate the end of this unit.
This is just a quick message to clarify our plans for snow days this year. Instead of virtual snow days, which now must have a minimum of 50% live synchronous communication with the classroom teacher, we have elected to have "old school" snow days where students have no assignments and can enjoy being kids. The missed day will be added to the end of the school year.
We recently received a complaint from a homeowner who lives on S. Indiana Street asserting that parents waiting to pick up their children have been throwing trash into his yard. Please, be good representatives of our school community and please help us keep positive relationships with homeowners surrounding our school.
Congratulations to the middle school spell bowl team and Coach Dennie for a great performance at the State Spell Bowl Competition at Purdue University on Saturday. Special congrats to 8th grader David Monesmith who was a perfect speller!
Fall Vaccination Clinic Announced
To clear up any confusion, Bremen Public Schools will be in session this Friday, November 11th. There was a misprint in the calendar that was distributed to families.
Both the high school and middle school spell teams are heading to state! Way to go!!!
Congratulations to our middle school spell bowl team on their success last night at the area competition AND advancing to the STATE COMPETITION on November 12th at Purdue University!.
We are experiencing an internet outage which includes our phones lines. If you need to get in touch with our office, please call the main number 574-546-3554 and leave a voicemail message. Sorry for the inconvenience.
A Special Olympics program is looking to make a return to Marshall and Starke Counties.
The program is under new management and is looking to kick off the new season with a basketball program for youth and adults. With the program getting underway, volunteers, coaches and players from Marshall and Starke counties are needed.
More information can be found by calling 574-935-0513 or by email at
Padres con estudiantes en los grados K-8: Aquí hay algunos
recursos del Departamento de Indiana de
Educación para ayudar a apoyar a su hijo en matemáticas,
artes del lenguaje y lectura. Estos se llaman
Estándares en Necesidad Esencial de Apoyo (SENS)
Parents with Students in Grades K-8: Here are some resources from the Indiana Department of Education to help support your child in math, language arts and reading. These are called Standards in Essential Need of Support (SENS).
Bremen Public Schools will be on a two hour delay today 11/1/2022