Save the Date for the 2nd Annual BEMS Parking Lot Party, July 31st, 4-7 pm.
Bremen boys going into grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 can sign up for summer basketball camp with Coach Miller. The camp runs from Monday, Jun3 24th through Friday, June 28th, from 8:30 - 9:45 am in HS Gym B. Enter at Door 15 from the east parking lot.
I'm so proud to announce that the Bremen High School Band once again qualified for the Indiana State School Music Association All-Music Award. This is 7th time in the last 10 years that Bremen has received this award.
This award is given to schools who show excellence in all parts of their band program by receiving a gold rating in marching band, group I solo/ensemble, jazz band, and concert band. This year, a little over 10% of Indiana high schools managed to achieve this honor.
Bremen Public Schools, the town of Bremen, and every single student should be incredibly proud of being among that 10%. Congratulations to everyone who had a hand in accomplishing this feat.
Wow!!! Our PTO has really outdone themselves with today's fun run activities!
The 8th grade celebration for the class of 2028 will take place on Tuesday, May 21st, in the Bowen Auditorium starting at 1:30 pm. Doors will open at 1 pm. Family and friends are invited to attend this special event as we celebrate our 8th graders at the end of the school year.
Fun Run
Bremen High School:
Upcoming Events Reminder
*May 2nd - Senior Scholarship Awards Night-Invites have been distributed
*May 22nd - Last Day of School
*May 24th @ 7:00 PM - Graduation- Information distributed this morning to seniors and sent by email to parents.
Many other events are happening as we approach the end of the school year. You can check out non athletic events here:
and our Athletic schedule can be found here:
Bremen High School: SENIORS, this is a reminder that you must fill out the FAFSA whether you intend to go to College or not. If you do not, you must fill out a waiver. Please see your counselor or Mrs. Atkins in the Guidance department if you need a waiver.
Celebrating our amazing administrative assistants today at BEMS.
Middle School Art Show
Open House Tonight April 24th, 6-7:00
Please be sure your child's address and phone numbers are updated in Harmony by Wednesday, May 1st. Thank you.
Congratulations to our first grade students for being featured on ABC 57 during yesterday's eclipse
It eclipse time! The viewing fun has started at BPS!
Bremen High School: SENIORS and SENIOR PARENTS this is a reminder that the INvestED FAFSA help night is tonight at 6 pm. Please enter through door one and follow the signs to the location.. Reminder the deadline to file FAFSA is April 15th. All Seniors are required to file the FAFSA or have a waiver on file. Please see your counselor, Ms. King or Mrs. Witmer or the Guidance Secretary Mrs. Atkins with questions or concerns.
Just a reminder we still have numerous lunch accounts in need of funds. Recently We were offered a donation from a good samaritan to help pay down some of the delinquent lunch accounts, but unfortunately not all of them. If you or anyone would be so inclined to help ease the burdens of some of the families that are struggling in our community, we will gladly accept anything you have to offer anything helps and will not go unappreciated. The money will be split among the accounts that need it the most. However no matter the circumstances, ALL THE CHILDREN RECEIVE A MEAL AND ARE NEVER DENIED FOOD. Also as a reminder to parents, it is your responsibility to pay and keep your children's lunch accounts current. If you have any further questions or need assistance please reach out to Amy Stouder at or (574)546-3554 Ext;2023
Bremen High School: SENIORS!!! Tomorrow there are lots of scholarships that are due. Please get them to Mrs. Atkins BY 3:15 NO later or complete the ones online by tomorrow at midnight. Dollars For Scholars is due April 1st and there is no extending this deadline. Finally, the scholarships through the Marshall County Community Foundation are due on March 29th. Any questions see your counselor or Mrs. Atkins in the Guidance office.
As I’m sure most of you are aware, when we return from spring break on Monday, April 8th our area will experience a near total eclipse, reaching its apex at approximately 3:12pm during our dismissal.
We are taking a multifaceted approach to ensure our students’ safety during this event. First, our teachers are providing science lessons regarding eclipses and the need to protect your eyes during such events. Additionally, we have purchased viewing glasses for all students that conform to ISO 12312-2 (the international standard for viewing glasses). We also ask that you discuss eclipse safety with your children and the importance of not looking at the sun without protection.
The reason why individuals can experience eye damage during these events stems from the fact that while much of the sun is obscured by the moon, there are still harmful UV rays beaming to earth. Since during an eclipse, the overall amount of visible light is reduced, our pupils expand to better enable our vision. While helpful for visible light, this also exposes the eye to much higher amounts of UV light which would otherwise be blocked by a constricted pupil causing damage to the retina.
With your help, we can have a great day of safe science education that our students will remember for a lifetime.
Yours in education,
Dr. Jim White
Proud Superintendent
Bremen Public Schools
Due to an internet outage the school has limited phone access. If you call the school and can not get through please leave a voicemail. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.
Bremen Public Schools is currently experiencing an internet outage. If you call into the school, please be patient as we work through this outage. Thank you.
Bremen High School: SENIORS there are LOTS of scholarships that are due BEFORE Spring break. Also, several are due on April 1st including Dollars for Scholars. Make sure you check out the last counselor corner for details. Several are available in the Guidance office on the Scholarship wall. Please get them turned in to Mrs. Atkins before 3:15 on THURSDAY.